The old fashioned soda fountain gives the
Museum a personal flavor as we remember
lazy afternoons enjoying a soda or phosphate
with Mark Ekiss.
The Oklahoma Frontier Drugstore Museum opened
in 1992 and since then has been a favorite attraction
for the thousands of visitors who make their way to
Guthrie each year.

The drugstore in frontier days was essential for pioneers who
many times had little access to doctors. Treatment for illness
and the maintenance of good health was an important part of
the success of the Westward movement and the pharmacy in
towns like Guthrie were all important to the people who settled
in rural areas.

The Museum collections include examples of medicinal remedies,
soda fountain and cigar memorabilia, hair care and beauty supplies
from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and a large
variety of drugstore artifacts.
The Mortar and Pestle is
the oldest know device
for compounding medicines
and has become a symbol
celebrating the art of the

Stone mortars were
used in ancient times
and later, bronze mortars
were used in the Middle
Ages and during the

Today, mortars are made
from a variety materials
and the Museum Collection
boasts an interesting and
impressive collection of
this pharmaceutical
One of the notable artifacts in the Oklahoma Frontier
Drugstore Museum collection is this small 1931
calendar from Lillie Drug. It is among many items
saved from the early days in Guthrie.
A favorite in the
Museum is the
Leech Jar. Until the
1930's it was common
practice among
medics to use Leeches
to rid the body of
various illnesses.

Despite the advanced
technologies we enjoy
today, the practice
of "Leeching" has found
renewed acceptance
in some medical
For those interested in the history of pharmacy and drugstores, a
trip to our museum is an education worthy of an advanced degree
in the subject. Our many collections of antique and esoteric
remedies and pharmaceuticals, along with an extensive variety of
drugstore memorabilia, make a unique adventure into a world of
medicinal and herbal cures.
A nineteenth century soda fountain reminds us of gentle days
long past and a recorded tour of the museum will guide visitors
through the most interesting collections and authentic artifacts.

Our volunteers are always available to answer questions.  
"Show Globes" are another of the artifacts
that are associated with pharmacy and more
particularly with English and American

Though said to have originated in the
Near East, they appear most often adorning
windows of pharmacies throughout
the Western world.

405 282-1895
Volunteers from Oklahoma's pharmacy schools
take their turn at showing visitors around the
Museum. These three young men are from
Southwestern Oklahoma State in Weatherford OK.